Monday 18 April 2016

Advantages & Disadvantages


  1. Wikipedia: History of the South African Flag
  2. Website Link: 5 Different Languages in the Anthem
  3. Google Maps: Find my Home on Google Maps,28.1273794,9z
  4. YouTube: My Province - Mpumalanga
  5. YouTube: South Africa National Anthem
  6. YouTube: 10 Facts about South Africa


Identifying the colours of the flag and what the colours represent.
Self-Paced. Learners can read though the history in their own time. Applying own thought while reading. Possibility for further anticipation-wanting to know more.
The possibility exists that learners will rather look at a video instead of reading the history. This is not completely stimulating. Pop-Ups to unfamiliar sites. Lack of Interest.
Identifying the 5 different languages as well as reading the translation to understand the meaning of the words.
Because they can read through it, they can visualize as well as practice the pronunciation for a better understanding as well as a translation of foreign languages.
Children disabilities or impairments – not being able to read on their own. Possible exposure to inappropriate content. Reading and Writing Skills.
Finding of own home.
Interaction, Exploring, Interesting. Active Participation. This could be a new experience which will make it meaningful.
Knowledge – not knowing their physical address. Not knowing how Google Maps work therefore will require guidance.
Learning more about the province you live in.
Stimulating, Interactive, Meaningful, Exciting, New Knowledge, Iconic Experience, Participation
Over-relaxed due to entertaining effect. Only interested in the videos but not so much the pictures and reading resources.
Listening and Learning the National Anthem as well as reading the lyrics while listening
Stimulating, Interactive, Meaningful, Exciting, New Knowledge, Iconic Experience, Active Participation (singing while listening because of the lyrics readily available)
Over-relaxed due to entertaining effect. Only interested in the videos but not so much the pictures and reading resources. Due to various resources, lack of concentration
A 1-minute overview of interesting facts of South Africa.
Stimulating, Interactive, Meaningful, Exciting, New Knowledge, Iconic Experience
Over-relaxed due to entertaining effect. Only interested in the videos but not so much the pictures and reading resources. Overwhelmed by various types of resources and loads of information
An example of the different colours of the flag (to be used for colouring activity)
Links history of the flag to a picture so that while reading, learners can visualise where the colours should be.
Lack of interest due to other exciting resources.
African Map
Excitement of new knowledge e.g. showing others on a news bulletin where they live, in which province.
No prior knowledge of using a map.

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